Title Of Article or something

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Curabitur tristique libero id dolor. Nullam non leo. Suspendisse dictum lectus quis ligula. Integer consectetuer. Suspendisse tristique sem sed pede. Cras tristique lorem eget libero. Phasellus nunc ipsum, placerat non, cursus sit amet, posuere eu, enim. Mauris ligula. Quisque sit amet mauris. Sed elit. Nunc blandit accumsan felis. Vestibulum egestas sem et elit. Quisque facilisis orci a orci. Maecenas neque. Ut vel mauris. Morbi arcu. Nullam placerat orci eget tortor. Mauris euismod.

Vestibulum lobortis ullamcorper urna. Curabitur sed lorem. Morbi vehicula. Sed ante urna, consequleo.

Written on 11/27/06Link to Source

Sonic Solar Systems in Motion

Moving 3D geometric music chords, could be represented in Virtual Reality as a world built as a sonic solar system.

In this sonic solar system you could have a sun that radiates its sound on all the planets that circle in orbits around it, the sound that the sun sends out would be the root note of the world geometry chord.

Around this sun would orbit any number of planets that spin in rotation and sonically emit thier own chordal tones that mix in with the sun.

Around the planets could be moons that emit thier own sub tones that mix in with the planets tones, and the sun.

As the suns tone is the root of the chord and the ellipse of it's node has equal front and back values and extends geographically throughout the solar system,its tone intersects all the other tones in the chord.

The planets and moons could have thier own ellipses. These could be long ellipses attached to 2 opposite sides of the spinning spheres, each spinning at a set rate, with the sound facing out from the spheres like a normal, with either two tones, or one tone on, one tone off.

The cycle speed of the spinning planets and the character of the tone of each planet, either two sides of an on/off, or two sides each with a different value,ie A/F#(or any note combination), would make the chord truly dynamic.

Depending on the cycle speed and intervals and the navigational coordinates and proximity of the avatar, the listener could expirience any variety of special effects like fluttering, reverb, phasing, echoeing, or the blending and bleeding of notes within the chord, notes that ordinarily would not fluctuate or change under any other circumstances, but under the influence of this alternate reality, the virtual reality could be expirienced as a whole and dynamically flexable at the same time. I have plans to put in the VRML section, or the model section, an example of this moving geometric chord model complete with midi files, in the near future.

For more articles, click on the archives.

Written on 03/31/04Link to Source
Sonic Solar Systems in Motion

Holographic Paradigm and VR

Virtual Reality as a Model of The Holographic Paradigm

It seems to be these days the leading edge in scientific topics is quantum physics. Recent books and articles suggest that reality is not all that it seems to be, and we are not complete in this world, but instead exist in other universes that are unseen but create the illusion and tie themselves into the illusion of a three dimensional physical universe we try to measure and test, but really know very little about. Reality is unreal. Reality is a hologram.

Do we exist soley in four dimensional space time? Are we really seperated great distances from other people, places, and events by space and time? What is information, what dimension does it occupy, and if all the information in the Universe exists in a universe in itself, how do we find and access it? We are plugged into and interfaced with our minds and bodies, but are we really in them? Where is consciousness? If we don't really know where it is, how can we ever know what it is? Fantasies, dreams, and ideas seem to have a 3 dimension and 4 dimensional holographic vitality that can simultaniously overlap the world we inhabit. They are in the minds eye at the same time, like sitting down at your computer while accessing a virtual reality scenario. Both universes operate at the same time,giving you real information and memories.

Why do memories sometimes fade into a knowing that they were real events but a death of not being able to grasp all that they are, in a moment that lasts forever? You can remember your memories, but you can't take them home and sit in them like a comfy chair, a memory is just a recollection of attributes like a comfy chair you once sat in but could never keep.

Reality is unreal, it is always fading out of focus and out of touch for us. This I truly beleive. I wondered how real the palm tree was, I was standing in front of on a sunny street in Southern California. I stared at it for a while, then decided to close my eyes and it disappeared from my universe. I reached out with my eyes closed and my hands open and pressed my hands firmly against the trunk, and the tree sprung back to reality. I again doubted this reality, because all I had to do was not see or touch it, and it disappeared. I pressed the palms of my hands harder into the rough bark of the tree until my hands hurt, and until I had red welts impressed into them, and it was time to go. Another universe away, in the clouds, in the sky, on a plane back to Washington D.C, the reality of the palm tree slowly faded away, the tree I could no longer see or feel, and as soon as the redness faded, I would have to question if it ever existed at all.

The only reason I have to accept reality as fact is faith,not proof, because it is impossible to prove. All we have are models of reality that are only tangable as mental and three dimensional constructs. Everything in our universe is a construct based on information in an information universe connected by invisable threads to each and every thing in this physical universe, if we could follow just one of these threads though the universes, like Hansel and Gretal, to the source of information, we would know the reality of everything.

Virtual Reality can be a model of the holgraphic paradigm. Take for example VRML(Virtual Reality Modeling Language). If I build a world called Red Arrow in a universe that is a black void except for a red arrow, the information universe of the red arrow world is in the scripting. All the script is made of is information telling the red arrow world, the color of the arrow, the size and location, all of which is a three dimensional illusion and the events which is an illusion of time. There is no arrow, there is no real size or distance, or time, when you break things down into a universe of information, the only thing left is information. The information itself is neither one, two, three, or four dimensional, it is information. On a page in a text editor it becomes two dimensional, executed as a file in a VRML browser( which is the equivilent of a sort of mind/body interface) it becomes three dimensional, four dimensional through events.It becomes reality.

There is another dimension that is not part of the information universe or the one, two, three or four dimensional universe, it is a universe of the execution of reality, connecting the information to the llusion, it is a universe of action and waves of action, information transformation,information transportation.

Take two red arrows in a universe and parent them together in the script, so that in the world where the two arrows seem to be seperate and have no known connections, the actions of one arrow control the actions of the other like they are quantum pairs, then you can have a virtual reality model of one of the aspects of quantum physics.

There is also the concept of information entrophy. With all the information we are saving today, hard drives have become smaller and denser, not larger. 25 years ago a hard drive with the fraction of information that we commonly store today would have the diameter of a huge platter. So a universe of information might not have size or density constraints if there is no dimension of mass or size in that universe, the information cannot become a blackhole of information. It is only when we try and accumilate mass quantities of information in the 3D universe do we run into problems with scale, then we have to condense the mass to save space. If there is no space (in, around and between) in information, then there are no limits.

Think of the universe as nothing being solid, just having the illusion of solid attributes, down to the atomic and sub atomic levels. Think of everything being in a constant state of flux and motion, that because we too are in motion other things seem solid and constant. In virtual reality there is the movement of information and attributes that give the illusion of solid objects. Only when we are in motion do we have depth perception or an illusion of cartesian depth. Stop and do a screensave of the world information, then you have a flat two dimensional representation of that world in an instant, between motion,or the waves and algorythyms of motion that give us the illusion of depth. The same is true with photography. A photograph is an instant of information. It is not an illusion,it is not a novelty or majic trick, it is reality. We are as much flat and non-dimensional as we are a holographic three dimensional illusion.

Written on 09/04/03Link to Source
Holographic Paradign and VR